Custom Homes
in the greater brazos valley area

Experience the highest attention to detail.
Custom Homes from JM Buildings
We pride ourselves at JM Buildings on our high standards to ensure excellence for your dream home. You can expect the highest quality finishes and attention to detail throughout the whole building process.
We have pre-designed plans ready for you to build on your land as well!
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Our Process
Step 1
Learn Your Needs
We meet to understand exactly what you're looking for. You can choose a pre-designed floor plan or start from scratch. We dream together and decide on the must-haves.
Step 2
Dig into Details
We meet with you to asses your needs and wants for your project and gather information to give you the most accurate bid possible.
Step 3
Press Go
Contract Approval
You receive a detailed contract for approval before we start building anything.
Step 4
Your Home Comes to Life!
Construction begins and selection meetings are set up to choose all your own personal finishes for the home. We work with local vendors and designers to bring your vision to life.